Only since recently I've been picking up drawing again and I love it. I realise I'm not the most fine drawer. In fact, I can't for the love of god draw anything that resembles a straight line. But I've somehow learned how to use this disability to define my own style and make drawings that seem to work well for graphic design and animation video!
When the brewery approached me to design the labels for their slightly experimental but delicious beers I originally tried something bold. I made collages from rights-free photos of bears in all kinds of positions to reflect the character of each beer. I wanted bright colours so they would scream (growl?) at you from the store shelves and contrast with the other beers for sale. This wasn’t really the style the brewery was looking for so I converted the photo collages to drawings, giving them enough negative space so they can breathe and shine. They still growl but in a more artistic way now. Can’t wait to add more bear-beers to this series!

I've been playing bass for the Ghent based Summit for a while now and been enhancing our live shows with live animated visuals. Also designed our album covers, merchandise, etc.
We try to bring a minimalistic yet dramatic ecological message. The music is instrumental, there is no singing, there are no lyrics. So it's up to the visual identity to bring this message to the forefront. The music becomes a soundtrack, a score, to these dramatic and somewhat nervous yet simple black & white landscapes.
We try to bring a minimalistic yet dramatic ecological message. The music is instrumental, there is no singing, there are no lyrics. So it's up to the visual identity to bring this message to the forefront. The music becomes a soundtrack, a score, to these dramatic and somewhat nervous yet simple black & white landscapes.

For about 8 years I worked for the non-profit organisation MAKS vzw in the region of Brussels. My favourite part of working there was facilitating Digital Storytelling workshops. Based on the methodology of Joe Lambert's we let people from vulnerable groups tell stories about all kinds of topics tied to society or personal growth.
Every year the entire staff of the organisation made a Digital Story. One part teambuilding, another part testing out new methods for our workshops but always interesting to see the results. These are some of the Digital Stories I've made over the years during these internal sessions.
Click the CC button for subtitles.
Click the CC button for subtitles.